Purple Mash are holding design design competition. This would be perfect for all you budding games designers. Can you create the next Fortnite? There are more details below. Log into Purple Mash and visit your class blog to download the PDF, which contains all the information you will need to enter and possibly win a fantastic prize..
What is it?
The Purple Mash Games Design Competition, with prizes sponsored by Amazon Web Services, is an opportunity for you to unleash your creativity by designing a brand-new game using 2DIY 3D; a programme on our award-winning platform, Purple Mash. We also have some wonderful prizes up for grabs!
Playing games can help our fine motor skills, dexterity, problem-solving and build resilience when faced with solving challenges. With a market worth £5.7 billion in the UK alone (BBC, 2019), the Games Design Competition will give Purple Mash subscribers and non-subscribers the chance to design their own game linked to a theme. They will incorporate teamwork, a creative story, sound and production. Every aspect of the game design will be built using 2Simple software.
Why should we get involved?
This competition has been created to help schools meet elements of both STEM education and the National Curriculum. STEM is an ever-growing area for future careers; enthusing young learners in this area could be beneficial to their futures, as well as fun. The majority of girls show an interest in STEM fields including Computing but currently, women hold only 25% of computer programming roles. A greater gender balance could bring many benefits to individuals and to society.
The KS2 curriculum states that pupils should be taught to ‘select, use and combine a variety of software... to design and create a range of programmes.’ This is not just a gaming competition to develop these skills; It will also enable children to develop skills of persuasive writing, presenting and teamwork all whilst collaborating on a creative project. This competition is recommended for children in years 4-6, however, any child of any age can enter, either on their own or why not involve the whole family in the games design process.
What are the categories and prizes?
We have three categories for competition entries:
Family Category - Design a game with your family. (Win a gift voucher to any Merlin Group Attraction!)
Individual Child - Design a game by yourself (Win a £50 Amazon gift voucher!)
School Group - For children of essential workers taking part in school. (Maximum of 5 in a group who will each win a £20 gift card with the school winning a one-year free license to Purple Mash.)